I’m always on the lookout for a good romance series to watch being the romance connoisseur that I am. What kind of romance series do I like to watch? I’ll say I love a romance series that is emotional and uplifting. While it’s true that one may find a romance series that matches those two requirements in any particular anime season, I often find that it’s the older romance series (though not that old) that are the most gratifying to watch.
As I scoured the internet for a romance series that fit those criteria, I stumbled upon a certain title called Tsuki Ga Kirei, or As the Moon, So Beautiful in English. What I can say about this series is that it’s one of the most beautiful and emotionally touching romance series I’ve watched in ages! What’s more, it’s an original anime series, yet it blew my expectations out of the water! I think I’ve bored you enough with the introduction so this is my review of Tsuki Ga Kirei.
The series starts off with the two 2 main characters, Kotarou Azumi and Akane Mizuno. Both are quiet natured and introverted by nature. They got off to an awkward start since both of them did not know what to say to each other when they crossed paths during the first few episodes. Granted, that may be due to their introverted nature and because both of them are in different clubs – with Kotarou in the Literature Club and Akane in Track and Field Club. However, through coincidental meetings they were able to exchange LINE IDs, which kick-started the development of their relationship.

Throughout the following episodes, both of them were able to grow an understanding of each other as they interacted more frequently. They even went out together at Kotarou’s request and slowly but surely, feelings for each other started to blossom. However, their relationship would be put to the test as love rivals – Chinatsu and Hira, attempted to approach Kotarou and Akane in hopes that their feelings would be accepted. I admit it was tough for both Kotarou and Akane as all they wanted was to be with each other, yet their love rivals were fancying their chances, with Hira confessing his feelings for Akane and Chinatsu with Koutarou. This led to an immense amount of jealousy which crept into both Koutarou and Akane. However, I was overjoyed when both were able to overcome those challenges and their feelings for each other only became more fervent. What a couple they have become despite those setbacks!

Of course, there’s always room for some late stage drama. Alas, the day came where Akane had to move to Chiba. Kotarou was busy writing his light novel, which was dedicated to Akane and so he missed her train departure. It did not stop him from trying to see Akane for one last time and so he took off and ran to catch a glimpse of her train and he declared his love for Akane by shouting at the top of his lungs. There’s a catch to this scene though as Akane found his light novel that he wrote and was so deeply moved by his words that tears were flowing from her cheeks. That’ll be a good way to end an emotional story right? However, the series had one more trick up its sleeve as the end credits showed Kotarou and Akane texting each other throughout the years and finally ended with them being married and having a kid. It melted my heart and I couldn’t stop crying during the last few minutes of the finale episode.

In terms of the animation of Tsuki ga Kirei, it’s a mixed bag. While the overall animation throughout the series was decent and there were a few good individual moments where the visuals looked stunning, the 3D animation was inconsistent, if not bad. It was shoddy in the majority of scenes when it was used. In particular, in the episode where the class went to Kyoto, the 3D animation of the people visiting the temple was so unnatural and stiff. However, the character animation was respectable and clean. It’s one of the aspects that I liked about the animation in the anime.
The music was by far one of the best elements of the series. I absolutely fell in love with the ending song as it was so beautiful and had so much meaning to it once you find out what the song means. The various OSTs that were riddled throughout the anime were also fantastic!

When it comes to the main protagonists, what can I say? Despite the numerous obstacles they faced – having a hard time relating to one another initially as they’re introverts, having love rivals, and being so far apart from each other as they attended different colleges, Kotarou and Akane overcame them and had a remarkable conclusion as they married and started a family. It was indeed a wonderful ending to a beautiful and lovely series. Which is why Tsuki Ga Kirei has become one of my favourite romance anime of all time, and I highly recommend watching this marvelous series!
Rating: 9.7/10